Thursday, August 13, 2009

Birds and Animals of the Arctic

Have to say that other than birds, they were few sightings of animals up here on the tundra.

In sure numbers you would never be able to guess just how many birds there are here

On cliff facesRAW_0678




On ice


Of course the nicest of the arctic I think, the puffin



We saw reindeer, some on ice and some on the green tundra

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Not many seals around, but then why would they be up on the ice with polar bears around, you saw the earlier photo of the kill on the ice. No doubt they keep themselves in the water under the ice where its safer. Thanks Sue and Allan for this photo. I missed this one. Must have been arguing with Poo over exposures.


The Walrus. Well, what can I say. We walked for so long and had to be so quiet to get to this herd of walrus. We stood for soooo long and not a movement. Poo whispered “their stuffed” but all of a sudden one slight movement from one


More action from the next days group we came across

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Then you could read what this fellow was saying “give me my personal space”IMG_8376

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