Thursday, April 22, 2010

He’s Home - Wishes do come True

Nearly two years ago out of strange circumstances we had come to stay with us from Sydney a beautiful Samoyed Dog named Toby. He quickly found his way into our hearts. How could you not love him, just a beautiful natured dog. All samoyeds are known for their nature but he was just unbelievable.


It was to be a three month stay but three turned in to eight months and we started to feel that he may be with us indefinitely but sadly we had to say goodbye.

To our surprise we recently received a phone call telling us that Toby in the twelve months he had been back in Sydney was not happy and would we like to have him back. So he was missing us just like we missed him. In three days we were at the airport to pick him up and it is so good to have him back. It might be just over twelve months since he has been here but he has not forgotten us or the life he had here or the fact that his name has gone from Toby to Koby.

Straight back into bringing in the paper.


Then there is sitting with Poo for that morning coffee and planning the day ahead


In the car and ready for a drive


We started breeding Samoyeds in the early 70’s so any wonder that both daughters who don’t live at home have Samoyeds of their own.In the last month we have been babysitting Moscow and Mikesha from Sydney and we have a semi-permanent border in Kimba while Constable Plod is at Cape York for six months. So what a full house.


We have now made a car trip to Sydney to return the southerners to their brand new home so life is a little quieter and there is just a little less white hair all through the house but we wouldn't change it for the world. So we are back to three and little Heidi doesn't feel so outnumbered now.

It is just so good to have him back, especially knowing this time, he is ours forever.


Not a lot of trippping for a few weeks till we take off for Cairns to then fly to Cape York to spend a week with Constable Plod. Looking forward to that.