Monday, February 23, 2009

Patagonia - And no sign of a Toothfish

Well, here we are in Punta Arenas. We arrived yesterday and once off the boat and to our hotel, we hit the markets in the square across the road . Then this morning we went on a City Sights Tour and then this afternoon to Fort Bulnes to see where the first Chilean settlement was.
Naturally,all places seem to have one of these boards. Written by the same person who wrote that speech for the Olympics.

I know what you are saying, your mother looks like a bag lady, but why is it that I always seem to attract a dog wherever I go

Poo is so wrapped in everything penguin, he just had to have a scarf to match his new hat.

Have spent some time each evening resizing some of the photos on this blog. Thats the problem with spending nights in hotel rooms. Would much rather be sitting in a National Park round a campfire like we did in North America. Poo is just like at home, turns on the TV and promptly goes to sleep. May as well, its either in spanish or has sub-titles.

We leave here in the morning for the six hour 4wd trip out to the Torres Del Paine National Park. Will be there till Friday when we come back here and fly to Santiago so dont know whether we will have internet connection while at Salto Chico or not, so till then, keep safe and love to all.

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