We made our way to Puno from Cusco on the day train. Lovely scenery as we followed the river with the snow topped Andes in the distance.
Once at Puno, we were met by our guide and taken to our hotel, and wow ,another room with a view ,this time Lake Titicaca.
Next morning , we were collected and taken to the wharf to our waiting boat. Another trip with a large boat for just the two of us ,our guide and the two boat crew.
After a three hour boat ride out through the reeds that make this place so famous, (more about that later) we arrived at Amantani Island where we were to spend the afternoon and night staying with a local family. This was the most wonderful experience. As I said to Poo you can travel by car, bus or train and look into the lives of these people as you flash by, but till you actually step inside their homes and meet them and spend the night with them do you see just how they live, and do you really get to know them. After being met at the dock, we walked the ten minute trail up to the home of Jullian & Lucia, our hosts.
A very modest house made by themselves and their friends and neighbors of mud brick, but a wonderful warm welcome from the family. And a view to die for.
We were then treated to a lovely lunch, cooked by Lucia at her wood stove as we sat and talked, yes, talked, with the help of our guide it was amazing how we could enjoy each others company. I then offered to help with the washing-up.
You girls have been telling me for years, I need a new kitchen. Watching Lucia cook a meal, no benches,no sink, no running water, all just done by sitting on a wooden block. Makes you think again.
After lunch they took us into the garden, and on just a small piece of grass, the rest is completely covered with healthy crops of corn, potatoes, beans and more, they showed us how they spend their time. Lucia and her daughter-in-law knitting hats from lama wool and Jullian carving from stone.
Tea time was just as enjoyable as we gathered in their small kitchen. Our room was upstairs and very comfortable with three single beds and a small table, carved again from stone by Jullian. After breakfast we said goodbye to them and made our way back down the stone path to our boat, no cars on these islands. It looks as though every family has a boat.
We then made our way to Taquile Island where we again climbed to the top, me huffing and puffing for I hadn’t realized that we are indeed even higher in altitude here than at Cusco, here it.s 3700 meters. Another lovely island with friendly, warm people. Poo took a liking to this little girl who spent some time playing with her weavings on his hands. And not even that stare. Out of character eh!
We then had lunch el fresco sitting in the square. The nicest piece of trout that I have ever eaten. Had just been brought in by the local fisherman, apparently the lake is stocked with Canadian Trout.

Then it was a half hour walk along the cliff top back down to our boat. Lovely views all the way. An enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.

Both, going and coming back from Amantani Island we travelled thru the Uros Islands. I can remember grade 5 at my school, learning about these islands of reeds that has been home to so many people for so long. Have always been fascinated by how this could be. We stopped and made a visit to one of the islands. It was wonderful to actually walk on the reeds and visit with them in their homes. The depth of the lake in this part is 15 metres, the island of reeds is about 2 metres thick, and every month a new layer of reeds has to be laid on the top to replace what rots away underneath. A lot of work but they don’t pay taxes. This photo is someone in their rowing boat taking home a new layer.
Notice how even their boats are made of reeds
This is the island we stopped at and spent half and hour with the families. Sat inside their bedroom and talked to them. Showed us how they made the ropes to tie the reeds together. Very interesting
Expect to see Poo in his new hat next winter. He’ll be a man of many hats what with his penguin one and now this
Even the pigs have their own reed island
On the way thru the islands, we passed this girl and her brother, she wouldn’ t have been more than 11, rowing for all she was worth

Then we passed the high school bus. There is a primary school on an island but the older children go to Puno each day
Then we gazed up at our hotel. See why our view was so good from our room. Looks like a cruise ship.
The hotel being on the lake, we were taken by our boat straight to the hotel dock,with just another walk up the hill.
How lucky to get there and find we were given a suite. That’s twice we have come back to our hotel from an excursion away and been given an upgrade. See what I mean about the view.Looking out over the lake and the reeds.
So this afternoon we leave here by road for Juliacca, and then its a flight to Lima and Santiago. Talk to you from there if possible.